Thank you for viewing our online exhibition. Newmarket has been The Jockey Club’s home for nearly 300 years. We are very proud to be part of this special community, and we are committed to Playing our Part in Newmarket’s Future, to ensure a healthy, vibrant and prosperous future for all.

In March 2022 we presented a range of ideas to the Newmarket community, and our racing industry partners, to stimulate a discussion around how we can design the future of our town together.

Thirty months on we are pleased to provide you with an update on the progress that’s been made, alongside our partners at the Newmarket Charitable Foundation and the Newmarket Thoroughbred Racing and Breeding Industry Forum (NTRBIF).

We are also pleased to invite you to view The Jockey Club’s emerging designs for new homes at Pinewood, offering a range of open market and affordable housing alongside a new Seven Springs Country Park which will provide an important amenity for local people as well as space for nature and wildlife.

New homes at Pinewood and the creation of the Seven Springs Country Park are both allocated in the West Suffolk Council Draft Local Plan which lays out how the town and wider district will grow sustainably over the next 20 years.

The content on display on this website is the same as the exhibition held on the 19th and 20th of September 2024.

Since the consultation we have engaged in further conversations with community representatives and the racing industry, discussing the towns strengths and weaknesses, assessing the threats, and identifying potential new opportunities. They include:

1. Suitable housing to meet the needs of both the community and racing industry key workers

2. Traffic issues

3. Opportunities for innovation

4. Opportunities for new entrants to Newmarket’s internationally renowned horseracing industry

5. Growing Newmarket’s tourism offer

Under a Memorandum of Cooperation with West Suffolk Council signed in May 2022, The Jockey Club represents the views of Newmarket’s horseracing industry in discussions with the local authority. You will find more information on the Newmarket Thoroughbred Racing and Breeding Industry Forum boards.


Whilst The Jockey Club has always been a part of shaping Newmarket’s future over the past three centuries, March 2022 marked the start of a new approach. Our pledge was to become more involved in the conversation around what Newmarket’s residents, businesses and racing industry want - and need - to secure a comfortable, viable and sustainable future.

We launched a consultation around ideas for how The Jockey Club might be able to help Newmarket thrive in the future.

At a three-day event in Newmarket’s Memorial Hall, we displayed a range of suggestions including a community cinema and a Racecourse Side Masterplan with a new Country Park at Seven Springs and new homes at Pinewood. We also presented the concept of an All-Weather Racing and Training facility near the Rowley Mile Racecourse.

We met over 300 people during the course of the event, and our website www.letsplayourpart.co.uk was visited more than 2,500 times during the consultation period which ran for four weeks up until April 22nd 2022.

The results of the consultation showed that 76% of respondents supported or strongly supported the ideas presented.

A Cinema for Newmarket

In March 2022 we presented the concept of a cinema in The Subscription Rooms in Newmarket High Street where the Horseracing Museum used to be.

There was a very enthusiastic response from residents and numerous conversations followed with potential operators.

The idea was progressed by the Newmarket Charitable Foundation (NCF) who proudly opened Newmarket’s first cinema in almost 50 years – Kings Cinema - in the Kings Theatre in April this year.

Josh Schunmann, Executive Director of the NCF said: “Whilst the charity has been responsible for delivering the cinema, the response to the consultation in March 2022 was certainly the catalyst behind it.”

Potential future uses for the The Subscription Rooms are still being discussed.

Inside Newmarket

Newmarket’s population stands at just over 21,000 and is expected to grow considerably in this current decade but space for new homes, businesses and public parks are constrained by the A14, the railway and land used for the thoroughbred racing and breeding industry. All options for sustainable growth need to be carefully considered to enhance the town’s unique way of life – including its position as the world’s preeminent horseracing cluster.

Beyond Newmarket

In July 2023, the previous government announced plans to invest in Cambridge as Europe’s Silicon Valley. Cambridge 2040 identifies up to 250,000 additional homes over the next two decades, alongside land for business parks, laboratories and science hubs, which would potentially treble the size of the city. Even if development in Cambridge is more modest, there is still a strong likelihood that growth to the east of the city is likely to make Newmarket an even more attractive place to live and work.

Newmarket needs to remain a strong and thriving town in its own right. Without a clear vision and plan there is a risk that Newmarket’s unique way of life could be damaged which, in turn, could affect its ability to thrive in the future.

The Jockey Club’s role in the community extends well beyond discussions on issues and opportunities. Throughout its history, Jockey Club employees have been actively involved in the Newmarket community on a daily basis, both visibly and behind the scenes, making our town a better place to live, work and visit.

These are just some of the activities we’re involved with:


Public access

The Newmarket community has access to many hundreds of acres of Jockey Club land, specifically the Newmarket Training Grounds, every day after 1pm, providing valuable open space for exercise and recreation to support wellbeing and quality of life.


Playing a meaningful part in the community is one of The Jockey Club’s core values. Staff working across the organisation, including Racing Welfare, support many important community initiatives including coffee mornings and sporting memories sessions at the Racing Centre, to facilitating Turning Point which offers help with addiction.

This summer, The Jockey Club was able to provide Exhibition Hall 1 at the Rowley Mile Racecourse as a venue for the International Jigsaw Competition in June which, due to its growing popularity, had outgrown its original St Mary’s Church venue.


The Jockey Club works closely with Newmarket’s schools and wider education sector. We deliver talks on road safety to local schoolchildren and students and support the ongoing education programmes in conjunction with Godolphin at local primary schools and Newmarket Academy. The Jockey Club also supports an exchange trip for students from Newmarket to visit Lexington, Kentucky and viceversa. This year pupils visited the site of the Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs in nearby Louisville.

Newmarket Quiz

Newmarket Coffee Morning

Lexington exchange students enjoying a day at the races with Newmarket Academy

Jigsaw Festival at Rowley Mile in June